Why tokenization?

Why Tokens Win for SMEs

SMEs face slow, costly, and restrictive funding options. Traditional financing consumes time, incurs high expenses, and dilutes equity, often leaving businesses with no viable alternatives.
tauvlo’s tokenization solution changes the game, providing fast, cost-effective, and MiCA-compliant capital while keeping businesses in control.

Odemkněte nové financování

Tokenizace umožňuje podnikům přístup k novým zdrojům financování tím, že nabízí částečné vlastnictví a zefektivňuje kapitál pro projekty bez složitosti tradičního financování.

Zvyšte flexibilitu aktiv

Tokenizace aktiv v reálném světě umožňuje podnikům strukturovat a rozdělit svá aktiva na digitální akcie, což usnadňuje oslovení různých investorů a snadné rozšiřování.

Získejte globální dosah

Díky platformě tauvlo jsou tokeny přístupné v celé EU, což otevírá dveře většímu fondu investorů a přitom zůstávají v regulačních rámcích.

What is a MiCA Token?

tauvlo specializes in the European Union's MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation), the world’s first comprehensive legal framework for digital assets. MiCA allows SMEs to issue tokens legally recognized across the entire EU, enabling businesses to raise capital seamlessly from investors across Europe. These types of tokens are not unregulated crypto currencies, these token represent the value of the underlying asset (business) and are carefully designed with a rigorous process.

The best part? Anyone can buy your tokens, only KYC is required. No investor accreditation means easier, more accessible funding for your business.This opens the door to a broader community of backers, removing barriers found in traditional investment products. Your supporters share the risk and are rewarded when you succeed.

Live Tokens From SMEs Like You

Token Antýgl

Hotel and restaurant project in Šumav, a real estate developer raises funds with tokens for a modern family mountain hostel.

Token Dankův Vrch

Year-round visitor property in Krkonoše, a RE developerraises funds with tokens for an innovative mountain for families

African Media Hub

Media-education project across UK-Rwanda-CZ, a startup raises funds with tokens for a unicorn potential startup in Africa.

Zaměstnanecký investiční token

Staff engagement boost in Prague, an SME raises funds with tokens to reward key talent with stakes in the company,

How tauvlo Works

Seamless Asset Tokenization

With our tokens, you gain direct access to the EU single market, reaching investors effortlessly—without the usual complexity and restrictions.

Phase 1

Craft Your Token Story
We help you dream big, turn your idea into an irresistible token plan that grabs investor attention fast.

Phase 2

Design and List Tokens
We finalize your token’s structure and build excitement with pre-listing promotions, preparing for a smooth market entry.

Phase 3

Market Launch
We list your token on our platform, opening it up to the entire EU market so you can raise capital efficiently.

Phase 4

Investor Buyback
At the end of the investment period, we offer buyback options and distribute profits, giving investors a transparent, rewarding experience.

Want to Fund your business?

Reach out to tauvlo - discover simple, legal token funding tailored for your SME, no complexity.